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This is the section of the website that you can find all the information that you want about Gypsy Soul. You can read their biography, and also read what the press are saying about them as well as visit Roman and Cilette's personal sites to find out a little more about them. In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint and save some trees, we will no longer be sending any hard copies of media materials. Everything is available, right here, for electronic download.

Things that you may not know about Roman and Cilette...

For instance:

Did you know that Cilette worked for the French motion picture camera company, Aaton, in Los Angeles and the reason that she got the job, was that she spoke french and was able to liaise between the company headquarters in France and Panavision in the U.S.?

Did you also know that Roman was a Sou Chef at the London headquarters of Moet Chandon Champagne?

Gypsy Soul Bio
Gypsy Soul press
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